Discover our products and specialties
Our Specialities
- Creation and production of many varieties of Hydrangea Paniculata
- 500,000 heathers in small pots, containers of 1L, 2L, 4L, and 6L
- Product line of pines selection Bregeon (1st producer in France)
- Kiwis, breeding actinidia Solissimo®'Renact'
- Introduction of new varieties from our research works
- Introduction of varieties from our associated group of selection Sapho
Trees and schrubs, conifers, heathers, hydrangea, climbers, grasses, perennials, fruit plants, urban vegetation...
We offer to professionnals a large range of varieties in cutting, small pots, containers (1L, 2L, 4L, and bigger) and bare roots. You can discover all our products via the online catalogue.
Obtaining, a strategy of dynamism and improvement
Research on the Hydrangea paniculata
Since 1985, we established a specific program for the Hydrangea paniculata. After 20 years of selections and over 25,000 seedings, we selected the Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise® ‘Renhy’ (Vanilla Strawberry®).
This variety of plants received a large success worldwide: awarded at the International exhibtion of Boskoop (NED), elected Big Flower of the year from the magazine Rustica, received the Innovert prize from the Vegetal Exhibition of Angers, Best Selection in the USA in 2009 in front of 85 other plants. Vanille Fraise® or Vanilla Strawberry® is nowadays sold in the entire world
Green Roofs
Since the 90s, Pepinieres Renault are a major actor in the production of sedums for the use on green roofs and terraces.
Nowadays, 5 hectares (12 acres) of culture are dedicated to the production of plants addressed to the urban revegetation.
Pepinieres Renault offer a wide range of products intended to green roofs: plugs, blankets, fragments, and Manuplac®.