From many generations of farmers originally from Saint Mars sur la Futaie (53), Henri Renault (1894-1971) created a horticultural establishment in 1926 in Montaudin (53). It is actually a 4 branches gardener that is maintaining the gardens and cultivating fruit trees.
His son Jean (born in 1929) is working with him after World War II. He is learning horticulture and nursery through contact with his dad.
Jean Renault seizes the opportunity of taking over a market gardener cultivation in Gorron (53), that he will transform slowly into a nursery. He is joined soon after by his older brother also named Henri.
The first employee is Jean’s uncle, Alexandre Marteau. The nursery is specializing into the production of conifers, with already a regional recognition for grafting.

An extension became necessary. A farm of 14 hectares located in Saint Aubin Fosse Louvain is bought. It became the main site of bare root production.
The nursery is cultivating Actinidia chinensis, with the creation of an experimental orchard. Shortly after, thanks to Truffaut companies, Jean Renault grafted the first foot of Hayward, Monty, Allisson, and Bruno. Over 2000 m² of glasshouse were dedicated to the culture of Kiwis. The overall production will reach 250 000 plants at the end of the 70s.
Extension of 16 hectares on the site of the Mezerais.

Creation of Plan d'Anjou. Early member, Pepinieres Renault is still 50 years later an active partner of this company.
Crowded in the historical nursery, Pepinieres Renault created a new headquarter at the Domaine du Rocher, still in Gorron. It is during this period that the first culture tests in containers started. Extension of 14 hectares.
Creation and launch of Pyracantha Alexander Pendula ‘Renolex’, first lining pyracantha.
Creation of the Ornamental Horticultural Plant Improvement Syndicate (SAPHO), composed of 30 French nurseries.
The nursery starts the production of heathers, that will become a major culture in the 80s.
Extension of 12 hectares on the site of Grappay.

Thierry Renault (son of Jean), joins the familly business.
Graduated from horticultural higher education, he quits a career of coach and tennis player to come back in Gorron in 1983.
Eric Renault (son of Jean), joins the familly business. Graduated from the French Business School 'ESSCA', Eric Renault comes to reinforce the family team in 1984.
Launch of the BREPO® 'Pierrick Brégeon' pine, created by Henri Bregeon, cousin of the current owners.
Thierry and Eric Renault take over the company.
Launch of the stoechas ‘Pedunculata’ Lavander, better know as 'Butterfly Lavander'.
Extension of 30 hectares of the site of Colombiers du Plessis.
Start of the researches on Hydrangea Paniculata.
After 38 years within the company, Jean Renault retires to open a botanical garden.

The export share represents 40% of the company turnover.
The nursery provide lots of plants for 2 main projects in Paris : Disnleyland Paris and André Citroën Parc (designed by Gilles Clement et Allain Provost).
First production of sedum for green roof.
Creation and launch of Erica darleyensis ‘Lucie’. This winter heather caracterised by its big and red flowers received 'The Heather Society's Premier Award' in february 2011.

Creation and launch of Hydrangea Paniculata Vanille Fraise® 'Renhy' (Vanilla Strawberry) which became a reference in the plant world.
Others creations then have followed : Sundae Fraise® ‘Rensun’, Diamant Rouge® ‘Rendia’, Fraise Melba® 'Renba', Dentelle de Gorron® 'Rencri', Diamantino® 'Ren101'.
Common creation with the companies CEP and IKO France of a green roof plate called Manuplac®, enhancing the green roof activity for the nursery.
Creation and launch of the Eucalyptus France Bleu® ‘Rengun’ et de la Lavatère Blue Bird® 'Renlav'.
Exportation of the Hyndrangeas Paniculata Renault in Eastern Europe.
Pepinieres Renault got the Plante Bleue certification.

The nursery revceived the 'Fleurs de France' Label, created the same year on a Stephane Le Foll initiative (Agriculture minister at the time).
Creation of PlantExport (an economic interest group) with Chauvin Hortensia, Sauvé-Guittet and Pepinières Chastel, in order to accelerate the export growth.