Pines Bregeon
Result of the selection work on pines, the 'Brégeon range' seducted as much in stem as in ball. We graft the entire production ourselves. We are the oldest European producer of this variety created by Henri Bregeon, cousin of the current owners of Peopinieres Renault.
Originated from the crossing with Pinus Nigra, these two needle pines are remarkable for their rounded regular shape and their moderate growth.
Originated from the crossing with Pinus Nigra, these two needle pines are remarkable for their rounded regular shape and their moderate growth.
Available in C4 L Square, C7 L Square, C9 Deco 1/4 Stem and 1/2 Stem, C14 L.
Pinus 'Marie Brégeon'
Growth rate is 5 – 9 cm per year, slower than 'Pierrick Bregeon'.
Forms a compact dense mound. Light green needles of up to 10 cm, can naturally and slightly turn yellow in winter. Spiraling needles at maturity.
Viability of the needles: 3 to 4 years.
Small grey buds with a pointy tip No resin production.
Growth rate is 5 – 9 cm per year, slower than 'Pierrick Bregeon'.
Forms a compact dense mound. Light green needles of up to 10 cm, can naturally and slightly turn yellow in winter. Spiraling needles at maturity.
Viability of the needles: 3 to 4 years.
Small grey buds with a pointy tip No resin production.
Pinus BREPO ® 'Pierrick Brégeon'
Medium growth, the strongest of the three varieties of this range.
A plant with a round habit, growing more in width (1.20 m fully grown) than in height (1.00 m fully grown).
Dark green supple needles have a viability of 2 to 3 years. Pointed buds.
Very slight resine production.